Come As You Are
"I believe; help my unbelief!"
- Mark 9:24
God doesn't want a self-perfecting version of ourselves. It is our vulnerable, repentant hearts that bring us closer to Him through His Spirit. With His power, we can cultivate a boldness to beat back sin.
Worship Through Generosity
Generosity is paramount in our sanctification as followers of Christ, who is eternally gracious to us as His adopted sons and daughters.
We believe in the practice of grace together as a family.
Simple Obedience
"Be still and know that I am God."
- Psalm 46:10
Simple living and worship is an intentional acknowledgment of our dependance on Christ. Not only does it prevent us from getting lost in rituals and religious activities, it naturally guides us by simply asking,
"Does this advance our mission of spreading the Gospel or equipping the saints?"

A Church That Reflects Its Community
There are no boundaries in a Christ-driven community. If he is over all and in all, then His Church is to reflect the beauty of the diversity of His creation.
— We desire to represent all of Pampa, TX.

Living Sent
"I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing."
- John 15:5
To follow Jesus is to be on mission. As we grow closer to Him and allow the Spirit to transform our lives, a boundless love for our friends, our family and the strangers among us naturally follows.
We will intentionally live our lives as sent-out ones, on mission with Jesus at the grocery store, at our jobs, in our neighborhoods, and everywhere in between. We will adopt a missional lifestyle that says "go and be" and not "come and see."